Automated the deployment of a Node JS Application on serverless AWS ECS FARGET

Automated the deployment of a Node JS Application on serverless AWS ECS FARGET

Step 1: Create Instance T2-micro

This Instance is used for building and pushing Docker images

Connect instance SSH through

Step 2: Update

sudo apt-get update

Step 3: Clone Code from GitHub

git clone

Task: Build docker file and push on ECR (Elastic Container Registry)

Go on ECR > Create a repository > Get Started

fill the repository Information (General Setting)

Click on public Repository > Give Repository name >Select content type Linux (The image of docker will be run on linux) >Architectures check all >Create Repository

Step 4: AWS CLI & Docker Install

Install docker

sudo apt install

add user to docker group

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

reboot system

sudo reboot

Install AWS CLI

curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install

Step 5: Create IAM user give them permission

Create IAM user > Create access key > Command line CLI > Create Access Key > Copy access key and security key

aws configure
paste access key as a id
paste security key as a password

give permission to user ECR

  1. Retrieve an authentication token and authenticate your Docker client to your registry. Use the AWS CLI:

     aws ecr-public get-login-password--region us-east-1 |--username AWS --password-stdin

    2 Build your docker image

     docker build -t node-app

    3 Tag your image

     docker tag node-app:latest

    4 run the following command to push

     docker push

    The Docker image was pushed to ECR successfully.

Step 6: Create Cluster

click on create cluster > give cluster name > Select Serverless AWS Fargate > add monitoring > click on create

Create task definition

create new task definition > give name > infrastructure Aws Fargate > Architecture Linux/X86_64 > Task size 1 CPU and 3 GB > task role create role from IAM AWSservicerole and task execution-role > select execution-role > fill container information > give public image url form ecr > container port 80 and 8000 > allocation limit give as per your requirement > create > task definition created successfully.

Run Task on cluster

click on task definition > click on task > select task > click on deploy > click on run task > select cluster > create > created successfully.

Run app port no. 8000

The app is successfully running.

Thank You

lets connect
